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This tutorial will outline the steps necessary to install Sprite in your project. It works in Node.js, Bun, or Deno.


  1. Node.js
  2. Bun
  3. Deno
  4. What’s Next?


  1. Ensure ArcadeDB 24.5.x (or greater) is installed per the official documentation.
  2. Ensure Node.js 16.x or greater is installed per the official documentation.
  3. Ensure you have a Node.js project ready to work with.
  4. In a terminal, navigate to your project’s root directory and install Sprite with npm (or your preferred package manager):
$ cd path/to/your/project
$ npm install @tragedy-labs/sprite


  1. Ensure ArcadeDB 24.5.x (or greater) is installed per the official documentation.
  2. Ensure the latest version of Bun is installed per the official documentation.
  3. Ensure you have a Bun project ready to work with.
  4. In a terminal, navigate to your project’s root directory and install Sprite with bun:
$ cd path/to/your/project
bun install @tragedy-labs/sprite


  1. Ensure ArcadeDB 24.5.x (or greater) is installed per the official documentation.
  2. Ensure the latest version of Deno is installed per the official documentation.
  3. Ensure you have a Deno project ready to work with.
  4. Import the necessary Sprite modules into your project.
import { SpriteServer } from "npm:@tragedy-labs/sprite";

// and/or
// import { SpriteDatabase } from "npm:@tragedy-labs/sprite;

What’s Next?

The next tutorial explains using the SpriteServer module to create a database.