Type Alias ArcadeTypeDefinition

ArcadeTypeDefinition: {
    bucketSelectionStrategy: ArcadeBucketSelectionStrategies;
    buckets: string[];
    custom: Record<string, unknown>;
    indexes: string[];
    name: string;
    parentTypes: string[];
    properties: string[];
    records: number;
    type: ArcadeRecordType;

A type definition returned by ArcadeDB when a getSchema command is compeleted.

Type declaration

  • bucketSelectionStrategy: ArcadeBucketSelectionStrategies

    How the bucket will be selected for a newly created record of this type

  • buckets: string[]

    The buckets associated with this type.

  • custom: Record<string, unknown>

    An object for custom user-defined properties for this type

  • indexes: string[]

    Indexes defined for records of this type

  • name: string

    The name of the type

  • parentTypes: string[]

    Super types associated with this type.

  • properties: string[]

    Properties defined for this type.

  • records: number

    The number of records with this type name

  • type: ArcadeRecordType

    The category of the type (document, vertex, or edge)